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What is a Personal Injury Law?

What is personal injury and why is it important?

From the sides of buses to radio ads we see advertisements for attorneys everywhere. Each with their own areas of expertise. Though we see these ads constantly they often do little to help us understand the areas of practice that they are promoting. Even if we can glean some information, we are still left with unanswered questions, or perhaps even more questions than we had before.

Therefore, for the next phase of our Legal Questions blog series we are going to be addressing common areas of practice that we are all familiar with but may want to know more about. In our past posts we have discussed topics such as how to find the right attorney and how to build a professional relationship with them. But before these steps can be taken, you need to know what area of practice your case falls into and how to prepare your case to be presented to an expert in that area. This is our goal as we begin this new chapter of our series by discussing the area of personal injury:

What is personal injury law? 

The goal of personal injury law is to provide those who have been injured physically or emotionally due to another’s negligence or recklessness with the ability to get financial restitution through our legal system. Though injuries come in a variety of forms the goal of the plaintiff is the same, to receive damages, which is financial restitution for their injuries, from the person responsible.

  • Examples of PI practice areas include:

    • Auto mobile accidents
    • Medical malpractice/Nursing home neglect
    • Negligent or failed security
    • Victims of abuse or sex abuse
    • Product defect accidents

  • Examples of the different types of damages include, but are not limited to:

    • Medical bills (past and future)
    • Lost wages (past and future)
    • Therapy
    • Household assistance
    • Loss of enjoyment of life
    • Pain and suffering (past and future)

What to do if you think you have a personal injury case?

As attorneys we understand the pain and stress that comes with being a victim of injury. It can be difficult to know what to do next, however, there are some things to keep in mind as you begin to pursue justice.

  • Document your injuries through photos and videos. Keep organized records of any medical bills, accident reports, and any other important documentation related to your injuries and the situation that caused them.

  • If possible, wait until you have an attorney before you speak with insurance companies. This will allow your attorney to guide you through the process of protecting your interests as you speak with them. Remember, insurance companies may not have your best interest in mind.

Why is personal injury law important?

Those who get injured by no fault of their own deserve the opportunity to achieve justice and receive monetary restitution. Which is exactly what the area of personal injury law provides for such victims. At Brooks, LeBoeuf, Foster & Gwartney we have a team of experienced, local Tallahassee attorneys that are here to serve you when there is Too Much At Stake. Contact us now if you believe that you are a victim of personal injury. Learn More today! To explore more of our blog posts Click Here.