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Tips to Give Your Children For a Safe Spring Break

For many students, Spring Break is just around the corner. During this time of year, the student you love may be heading to a friends-only beach retreat, or your younger students may be staying at home or engaging in extracurriculars while you work. Regardless of where your children are spending Spring Break, the week represents a new schedule and can pose some unique challenges as a parent. To help put your mind at ease, let us share a few safety tips you can share with your children while they enjoy some downtime from school.

1. Take advantage of location technology.

Many of us have smartphones or other smart-electronic devices. One of the best features of these devices is the ability to monitor your children’s location when you are not with them. Certain apps like Find My Friends, MamaBear, and Footprints allow you to see your child’s exact location at all times. Whether you want to make sure your older child got to his or her hotel safely or just keep tabs on your younger children who are exploring the neighborhood while you are at work, these apps are easy to use and can provide you with some peace of mind.

2. Discuss social media and driver safety.

We live in a social media driven world, and as great as social media platforms are at keeping us connected, the use of these platforms can present some dangers. It is important that your child, and your family unit for that matter, refrain from posting too much or sharing too many personal details on social media platforms. Privacy settings can sometimes be tricky to navigate, and sharing a hotel room number, other specific location indicators, or simply how long your family will be out of town on vacation can create a potential risk.

Similarly, if your child is going to be driving with other people in the car during the break, it is important to share the importance of safe driving with him or her. Discuss the consequences of speeding, as well as, driving under the influence, not wearing a seatbelt in the vehicle, and texting and driving.

3. Have an emergency plan in place.

No matter how much we plan, sometimes unexpected situations arise. This is where an emergency plan can be particularly useful. Focus on creating a plan that covers where you will meet your children if you get separated and who to contact in emergency situations. For your older children, encourage them to carry identification and health insurance information with them at all times. Perhaps even specify a time each day that your child calls you to check-in for a few moments.

Spring Break can be a fun and relaxing time for children of all ages, and being aware of some important safety tips can help keep it that way. In the event that an emergency situation does arise and you need legal assistance, do not wait to contact our experienced local legal defense team at any time. We are standing by, ready to help you, twenty-four hours a days.