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Blog: Safety

  • SAMHSA National Prevention Week

    May 15, 2019

    Did you know that May 12 – 17, 2019 is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (“SAMHSA”) National Prevention Week? Each year, communities and organizations across the nation come together to raise awareness about the importance of strong mental health and substance abuse prevention. To help join this important cause, we want to share with you some information about National Prevention Week and the impact of substance abuse and mental health in our...
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  • Tips for Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

    May 14, 2019

    Sadly, in 2017 alone, 5,172 motorcycle riders and passengers died in crashes. While motorcycle riders make up approximately six percent of vehicles on the road, the unfortunate reality is that many drivers do not look out for motorcycles when driving. This often results in accidents with catastrophic consequences. This month, to bring attention to the dangers motorcyclists face on the road, we want to share with you some tips to keep yourself and the...
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  • National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Workplace Falls

    May 7, 2019

    Sadly, 366 of the 971 construction fatalities in 2017 were caused by falls from elevation and were preventable. In fact, preventable falls continue to be the leading cause of death for construction employees. Each year, businesses across the nation hold “stand-downs,” where employees have an opportunity to discuss What is a Safety Stand-Down? A Safety Stand-Down provides an opportunity for employers to discuss fall hazards in a construction workplace, as well...
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  • Tips On Protecting Yourself and Those You Love This Sexual Assault Awareness Month

    Apr 17, 2019

    Unfortunately, sexual assault can happen to anyone, during any stage of life, and remains one of the most underreported crimes. In the United States alone, one in three women and one in six men will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, and more than 50 percent of victims are assaulted by an intimate partner. In light of these shocking statistics, we want to share with you a few tips to help...
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  • What is Negligent Security?

    Mar 28, 2019

    As prepared as we can try to be, unfortunately, accidents can occur at any time and at any place. Negligent Security Law focuses on the protection of victims who are injured by a violent or criminal act that occurs on another person’s property. In Florida, it is a property owner’s responsibility to provide adequate protection and security for any visitor to his or her property. If you are injured as the result of a...
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  • Tips on How to Protect Your Teen During Dating Violence Awareness Month

    Feb 18, 2019

    Did you know that February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month? As a parent, we know that your teenager’s safety is one of your top priorities. As your child grows into a teenager, often he or she may be eager for more independence. During this period of growth, many teenagers explore new friendships and romantic relationships. Sadly, approximately 1. Discuss warning signs with your teenager. Dating violence does not always take the...
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  • How to Help Your College Student Stay Safe When Returning to Campus

    Jan 9, 2019

    The end of the winter holiday and the start of the New Year, means it is time to get ready to return to school for most college students. We know that packing, last minute shopping, and spending time together are all on your very busy “to do” list, but do not forget the important conversations as well. No matter how old they are, you want your college student to stay safe on campus. He or...
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  • 4 Safety Tips to Help Protect Your Child in the Bathtub

    Jan 3, 2019

    For many families, taking a bath is a staple in their child’s nighttime routine. Bubbles, rubber ducks, and warm water all make bathtime fun for a child, but in reality, the bathtub can be a dangerous place for young children and accidents can happen in an instant. This is why it is so important to be aware of the risks and how to help prevent them. As January is National Bath Safety Month, we want...
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  • 3 Very Real Dangers of Human Trafficking

    Oct 30, 2018

    Human trafficking is one of the scariest, most despicable crimes in modern existence. The It is truly an abomination. The biggest mistake committed by everyday Americans is thinking that it only happens in war zones or faraway places. In reality, human trafficking, and the abduction of children and adults to be trafficked, can occur almost anywhere. Here are three very real human trafficking dangers to keep in mind: 1...
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  • Steps to Take If You Suspect Your Disabled Child Has Been Harmed

    Sep 10, 2018

    One of the worst moments for the parent of a disabled child is when he or she discovers or suspects his or her child has been harmed at school. As a parent of a school-age child with disabilities, you place your trust in the teachers, administration, and support staff who will be caring for your child on a daily basis. You expect, and rightly so, that your child will be in a safe environment throughout...
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