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Blog: Car Accidents

  • What Do I Need to Know If I Am in a Car Accident?

    Mar 4, 2020

    Unfortunately, car accidents are a fact of life. While safety is always the number one concern when driving, knowing your legal rights and responsibilities is also critically important. Did you know that it is illegal to drive away from an accident even if there is only minor damage? It is imperative that you stop, protect yourself with vehicle lights, flashers or other means, and contact the police, or 911 if someone is injured. In...
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  • Facts Parents Need to Know About Florida Distracted Driving

    Jan 21, 2020

    Distracted driving is one of the most pressing problems in society today. Driving is a daily activity for tens of millions of Americans, and the potency of modern distractions has never been stronger. Unfortunately, the results are often tragic. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than In reality, those statistics are probably too low. It is widely believed that the number of crashes, injuries, and fatalities caused by distracted driving...
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  • What To Do If You Are Pulled Over For Texting While Driving

    Jan 9, 2020

    Texting while driving is a dangerous activity that states and local governments are increasingly passing laws to combat. The reasons are sobering. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates nearly half a million motorists use cell phones while on the road every day. Further, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports hundreds of thousands of people are injured as a result of distracted driving every year, of which texting is a major component. ...
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  • What You Need to Know About Florida’s New Texting and Driving Law

    Jul 2, 2019

    Did you know that 50,000 accidents and 233 deaths were caused by distracted driving in Florida in 2016 alone? Up until now, Florida had remained silent legislatively on this serious issue. Monday, July 1st, however, represents more than just the beginning of a new month, as Florida’s new texting and driving law will take effect. To help better inform you about this new law, let us share with you what you need...
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  • Why Buy Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

    Jun 13, 2019

    By: Matthew Foster I quickly realized that fact when I began handling personal injury cases 25 years ago. Numerous people came into my office in situations where some uninsured driver ran a stop sign or was driving recklessly, causing them injuries ranging from broken bones to the death of a family member. Unfortunately, many of these people had no real remedy because they had not purchased uninsured motorist coverage. This happened even when my...
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  • 3 Factors That Can Lead to Car Accidents

    Apr 24, 2019

    The value of automobiles in today’s world is immeasurable. Car travel provides easy access to far away cities and helps connect close friends and family members who may live some distance away. This is a concerning statistic, and one that should not be taken lightly. Distracted driving, drowsy driving, drunk driving, poor weather conditions, and more help contribute to rising fatalities on the road each year. Your safety is important to us, and...
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  • Drowsy Driving Accidents Are On the Rise

    Apr 1, 2019

    Did you know that drowsy driving is now considered by many to be as dangerous as drunk driving? We’ve talked about this increasing concern in our blog before and it bears repeating. With National Drowsy Driving Awareness Day approaching this April 6, 2019, it is imperative that we talk about these concerning statistics and work together to find ways to prevent this event from taking place in our local community. Today, drowsy driving is...
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  • What to Do If You Are In a Car Accident

    Nov 16, 2018

    Being a party to a car accident is an unsettling experience that can have stressful and lasting impacts. With this stress, outside of seeking medical attention, many people are not sure what to do in the immediate aftermath of a 1. Call the Proper Authorities 2. Do Not Leave the Scene 3. Gather Information 4. Do Not Admit Fault 5. Contact Your Insurance Company 6. Hire an Attorney...
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  • What to Do if You Caused a Car Accident

    Nov 15, 2018

    There is no question that being involved in a Call the Authorities If possible, the first step you should take after being involved in an accident is to pull over to a safe place and evaluate whether you or any of your passengers are injured. Take note of any harm, and call 911 or the local police department, if it is not an emergency situation, for help. A police report is an...
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  • What is Contributory Negligence and Does It Apply in Florida?

    Oct 16, 2018

    Determining who’s at fault in an accident is critically important. This is especially true when someone is injured. The answer, however, is not always black and white. Often, there are a confluence of circumstances that contribute to an accident event, sometimes with different parties sharing portions of the blame. For example, if someone crosses the street outside of a clearly marked crosswalk, while a “Do Not Walk” signal is flashing, and is then struck...
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