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3 Issues Your College Student May Encounter This Semester

The fall college semester is in full swing. This means young adult students across the country are engaged in rigorous academic and social endeavors away from home, many for the first time. While these pressures are part of the college experience, students should be prepared for certain challenges they may face.

As parents, we know that you help them prepare for the future. Let us share three frequently seen issues that we help our clients and their college students deal with so that you can discuss with them.

1. DUI. Drinking and driving is not only dangerous, it’s also a serious crime. If a law enforcement officer stops a motorist who’s been drinking, the officer may request the driver to take a breathalyzer test. Students should be polite, tell the truth, and resist offering any potentially incriminating information.

They’re also under no obligation to perform a field sobriety test, and may legally refuse a breathalyzer though it may likely result in a driver’s license suspension. With stiff penalties hanging in the balance, especially if the incident caused property damage or injury, a student’s single most important decision may be to contact you and a local, experienced DUI attorney.

2. Greek Life Parties. The fall semester also marks a return to Greek life. While there’s much social value to fraternities and sororities, student safety and Greek life may sometimes be at odds. Hazing, for example, is illegal in most states, and anti-hazing collegiate rules are ubiquitous. Yet, it happens and students sometimes get hurt. Raucous drinking parties are also prevalent, and come with their own risks.

Consider these student safety tips to discuss with your child:

Guard your drink
No means no!
Have friends you can trust
Know your limits
Eat food before drinking
Make sure your phone is charged
Don’t post pictures online you may regret

3. Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment is no more acceptable for a college-age student than for a career adult in corporate America, or anywhere else. It’s wrong, it’s detrimental to the well-being of the victim, and it’s illegal. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that generally involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct.

We know that these may be just a few of your concerns as a parent of a college student. We want you to know that we are your local law firm that is here 24 hours a day to help you with any of your concerns on this or any issue your child faces. Do not wait to contact a member of our experienced legal team for a free case evaluation.